The OBD based dashboard extender for PROTON Campro engine was squeezed into small electronic hobby box.
I read recently that someone managed to get Scangauge to work on PROTON persona elegance. He mentions that the new Scangauge has updated firmware and should work with Campro based engine. I certainly have doubts as it was unlikely (in my opinion) that Scangauge people would consider upgrading their kit for such a small market. My feeling is that, it is the new PROTON ecu that is compatible with OBD2 protocol. Note that the new Persona has new 32bit ECU, unlike its predecessors.
Thus,I still think the kit shown in this picture is the only one that works on older EMS400 and EMS700 ecus....; ). I can also change the codes for use on Perodua MyVi.
Things that can be shown:
1. engine rpm
2. throttle position
3. engine coolant temperature in degree Celcius
4. intake air temperature
5. Injection pulse width in milliseconds
6. intake manifold pressure
7. oxygen sensor correction factor
8. load (this is actually volumetric efficiency)
9. oxygen sensor voltage
10.Battery voltage
11.lambda adaptation 1 and lambda adaptation 2 (I am not sure what these are, but are available from the ECU data)
12. fuel consumed in liter (calculated by my own calculation)
13. Fuel economy in litre/100km. This is average fuel economy.(calculated by my own calculation)
14.fuel consumption in km/liter. This is instantenous data. (calculated by my own calculation).
The display can be in the form of digital values and also simple horizontal bar graphs.
The new source codes also assists for acceleration tests to be carried out. (Passby and standing start acceleration tests). It prompt the driver to execute the tests and automatically measures and display the data.
Interested? Leave a comment below or email azrisyamil AT yahoo DOT com.
And here is another equally poor quality video.
and here is another
sonyaap yo?
Bro apa cerita PhD?ko kena mengajar ke?
U have a very interesting project here.!This is what I've been searching for. can u be kind enough to share this project please. ?Like you, im myself an electronic hobbyist and i've been searching on how to access the proton's campro PIDs from the OBD-II port. I hope you can share your knowledge with me, maybe u can drop me some info at my
email: mizi_gg@yahoo.com.sg. Hope to hear from you .
hi bro.i very intrested with your project because i wish to use my scan gauge 2 on my campro 2004.can u give a hand?thank you.fookahchun@hotmail.com
Tarmizi and Ah Chun,
I have emailed both of you the options.
This is the thing that i have been looking for. One question though, do we build ourself or the kit is already available. Could you share with me at my email:gofastbit@yahoo.com
looking for this device...mind to share about it? email me zomba.limah@gmail.com
Bro, device ni boleh scan fault utk proton wira 1.5 vdo tak?
Bro, device ni boleh scan fault utk proton wira 1.5 vdo tak?
Saya tak pernah cuba ke atas wira vdo. Boleh cuna dulu kalau mahu. Email saya
salam bro, minta share ilmu tuan?
minta share ilmu tuan rahmat_hj.setin@yahoo.com
Boleh bro..sy dh trai model proton..wira mmc.vdo.peradana v6.SOHC.semua campro.waja.semua perodua.
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