I have 3 of those old power supply. At least 2 of them still works.Here is how to make use of the thing for power supply for other purposes.
This power supply has 5volts, 3volts, 11 (or 12?) volts and -11volts power. This is nice for electronics projects. For example, some IC's like the DAC requires negative voltage. It is available here without having to buy negative voltage generator.
Best of all, electronics dedicated power supplies costs at least RM100 or usually more. But in this case it is much cheaper. RM50?
The trouble is when you simply hookup this power supply to the 230volt supply,it will not work. Here is the trick that would make it work.
The black wire is ground. Using a multimeter, check each connectors and you'll find at least one wire with 3V and one with 5 V.
Most of the wires are red, black or orange. The other colours are one each.
Using 1kohm resistor, connect the 3V line to the other wires (not the red or black)one by one while monitoring the voltage across the black and redwire. Best to try connect the unique colour wires first to the 3 volt line. When you register 5 volts(or 12volts) across the black and red wires,the power supply unit is ready to go.
In my case, the 3 volt wire is green, and need to be connected to white wire for the power supply to work. Now I am off to do some projects..