Here are some videos of the rev counter in action. Unfortunately, my effort to modify the display to make it brighter did not work quite well.
The second and third video are the improved display, by changing the pause time between each LED light up. The LED draws power from the PIC microcontroller, thus need to limit the current. They did not turn up very bright. The videos were captured early morning, before sun rise. I wanted to change the circuit and draw the power for the LED from power supply regulator, but it got messy and I damaged the whole thing.
One more thing, the rev counter works best when there is electrical load from the engine such as headlight or rear windscreen demister. Readings are more stable...
My new project is to develop a control system for a pyrolysis reactor. Part of it involves controlling the speed of a DC motor (in this case a cordless drill), without any speed encoder. I also used Selmaware's StampPlotLite software for computer control and data logging... Maybe more on that project later.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
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